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Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Clinic Days 4 and 5…..well, election day, no clinic on Day 5

Monday started out quieter than last week’s clinic days.  People are talking about the election a lot.  Indeed, on our game drive on Saturday, we barely got gas, everyone is waiting to see what happens during and after the election.

Plus, I am under the weather.  Not sure if it is a stomach thing or not, but I took it easy all day getting up three times to pull teeth.  All routine extractions.  Still raining off and on, we are told that this is quite unusual for August and that Kenya is in a 5-year drought.

The third extraction was for a lady who had ridden three hours in the rain on her motorcycle.  She actually showed up during lunch, but we took the tooth out so she could get back on her bike and head home.

The Gloria, Kathy and Tom went to the market with William yesterday, poured rain, difficult driving both directions, also other safari vans were stuck.  Not much going on at the market.

Everyone, I mean everyone, is planning to vote.  Today is the day.  The staff didn’t come to work until 9:30 or so, they stick around until 2:00 then close the entry gate and go home.  No dental care today.

On another note, if the resort has lots of guests, they will put on a little entertainment.  This is the traditional Maasai vertical dancing that goes on.  Lots of singing and chanting and one of two warriors jumping up and down.


  1. Hoping you feel better soon so you can get back in the game by crashing some weddings.

    1. Back at it today. Every day will be a surprise here in Kenya. Check out the next blog post!
