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Sunday, July 13, 2014

A Dental Mission Trip to Maasai Mara Tribal area of Kenya

Dr. Grossman and family are off on a dental mission trip to do volunteer dentistry in the Maasai Mara tribal region of Kenya.  We are excited to be able to give back in an area with such poor access to care.  We hope to be able to use our office blog to keep our patients and friends that are interested in following our trip up to speed on what is going on.  We will be doing dentistry in Kenya for the next 2.5 weeks.  As many of you know through the news there are certain areas in Kenya that are not terribly safe, one of those being certain areas of Nairobi.  We do fly into Nairobi but plan to leave to our final destination as quickly as possible.  It is my understanding that the area we are going is pretty far south of Somalia and is considered safe.  As we find internet access we look forward to keeping those back at home up to date through this blog. 

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